I just want a hug

So my math exam was shit.

It's okay it's just an exam but i came home i just really wanted a hug from my mom. She started fighting with me for some absurd reason. Then my dad also started fighting with me for some irrelevant reason. They started saying hurtful things to me that ik they don't mean but i was already sad and not it's even worse.

I feel so worthless. Since I was a kid the only thing I've really been good at was academics and Now that's fucked roo.

My anxiety is over the roof and idk what to do. Idek why my parents yelled at me ig they were stressed about their own things but idk i just feel bad. They don't even care how my exam went.

I just feel very bad i thought I'd read books again after exams but now i can't even enjoy that.

Sometimes i just wish I had failed or gotten poor marks before so i won't have this perfectionalist attitude to things but i do. .

I studied so hard. So so hard

My relatives will ask me how it went and i just feel so bad. I also have anxiety so now it's even worse

Ps: my parents are not bad parents they don't care about marks or anything never pressured me it's just that they don't understand how I feel right now.

UPDATE: Tysmm to everyone for giving advice and commenting

I feel much better now thanks to you guys <33🫂🫂 I talked to my parents and they were supportive and i feel wayyyy better. Gonna go read books now.

Thanks again <33