CBSE is unfair!?
I feel like Cbse is unfair. Some people get very easy question paper set and some get hard. Yesterday was my science board and I got a hard set but looking at others they had got easier sets. The people who actually study get hard sets and then there are the ones who just do a lil bit and are awarded with easy sets (sometimes). Marathon attend ki but uske questions nahi aaye zyda and twisted questions bhot zyda the and looking at other sets they got direct questions. It’s just not right. All the sets should have same difficulty level or else don’t make different sets. What do you all think? I feel like This needs to stop.
Please share it as much as possible, we need to bring awareness to this issue so that others don’t face the same.
(Sorry if I’m being argumentative, it’s my nature and I find it very wrong that this is happening)