The Platypus Has Landed!
I finally picked up my Platypus today after California finally figured out who I am on the last day of my 30 day window and authorized the release.
I took it to the range and zeroed it. Nothing beats a 1911 trigger. Mmmm love that single action glory.
Frame to slide fit it felt as tight as the Nighthawk Sandhawk they had in the consignment case at the store. Accuracy was superb of course. The stippling on the grip is good. Aggressive, but I still have skin.
The grip itself is not my favorite. It hits the bones in my hand a little wrong and feels a bit like a Hellcat when I shoot it. Not as comfortable to hold as my Springfield Loaded 1911. Nothing so far beats my M&P for raw comfort, but this sure does for trigger and accuracy.
With a light and +0 base bad it meets the size and weight requirements for IDPA carry optics. The +0 base pad seems necessary to be able to pull the mag out of the mag well as with a standard base pad it fits flush with the mag well.
I put 230 rounds down range to zero and break it in. A mix of factory 115 grain, full power 124 grain, and competition 124 and 147 grain. It ate every round no problem and had no extraction issues with anything. It failed to lock back on the competition ammo but locked back fine with the full load ammo. I suspect a lighter recoil spring will fix that.
The ceracoat finish doesn’t seem super robust. I can see wear where I took my light on and off a few times.
In all a great gun so far. I can’t wait to get it into competition!