SDA Bocconi Placement report SCAM exposed
I ran some calculations on the placement report of IMB SDA Bocconi for class 2024 and found blatant errors.
On their website it mentions average package for top 25% - 21.88 lakhs.
So total package of top 25 % = 21.88 lakhs *25 students= 547 lakhs
(Afaik the batch size is of 230ish students, but for ease of calculations I have assumed it to be 100. It shouldn't matter since data available is in percentages.)
It then mentions average package for top 50% students is 18.33 lakhs.
So, 50 students*18.33 = 916.5 lakhs (total package of top 50% students)
Now this 916.5 lakhs total package of top 50% students includes package of our top 25% students as well calculated earlier.
So total package of students between top 26-50th % students= 916.5-547 lakhs= 369.5 lakhs
So average package for students between Top 26-50% will be 369.5 total package/25 students= 14.78 lakhs!
Now see their placement report. It says average salary is 15.01 lakhs per annum. If the average package of your top 26-50% students itself is 14.78 lakhs, the average package of whole class of 100 students can not be 15 lakhs! It is not statistically possible at all! If students in the top 26-50% earn an average of 14.78 lakhs, then for the overall batch average to be 15.01 lakhs, the bottom 50% would need to earn more than the 26-50% group – which is counterintuitive and statistically unlikely.
Please let me know if my understanding is correct. This to me looks a clear case of inflated and unaudited placement figures. Is this common across all B-schools?