This too shall pass...

I remember walking into my coaching institute on the first day, a year ago. The teacher asked for a self-introduction, and I stood tall as a mountain, my eyes gleaming with the vision of what lay ahead—mountains to scale, winds to chase, rivers to cross. I stood strong, undeterred, a "Sentinel," ready for battle.

Alas, today, I stand as a fallen soldier—defeated and wounded. The world has moved ahead—a train chugging away, its screeches echoing in my ears as I fall behind, unable to catch it. I see a crushed dream, the missed bus, and people marching ahead. Life takes its course, and the righteous take their place first. But I too shall have my day.

Today, I stand as an uncut diamond. Someday, I will shine as bright as the "Kohinoor." Your time too shall come. Whether the journey is as slow as a turtle or as fast as a cheetah, the destination awaits. The day will come—when I move faster than the wind, when no mountain stands uncrossed, and no river is left unconquered. A soldier prepared for a battle that isn't written in a single day. Every defeat today sets the foundation for tomorrow's victory. This too shall pass.

PS: To those who have made it past, best wishes for all your future endeavors. Keep making your mark and walk with your heads held high. To those who have not, do not lose hope. Stay strong and applaud yourselves for all of your efforts.