Why an MBA kills you

I am not here to talk about how hard CAT prep is or about troubles during placement ir the cost of an MBA. I want talk about a much deeper problem.

I've done my MBA from tier 1 college. Working for 2 years now. I realise now that MBA kills a part of you. The creative, free thinking, adventurous part of you. Well perhaps our entire education system does but MBA imo is a bit worse.

I talk to my peers, colleagues even the odd date all of them sound the same. I don't mean to mock or be rude they're all nice people but MBA & our jobs take up so much our lives there's very little room left for individuality. I read somewhere some years ago that the point of such education is just create obedient workers & i am seeing this infront my eyes. We've become souless corporate slaves. We mustn't think outside the box, go against the flow, be innovative. Nothing.

MBA i think just creates smart people who are willing to be yes men (& as a bonus people who take pride in it).

I feel like my brain is rotting because it is trained & forced to blindly aceept what's being told.

For a creative/innovative person i would recommend you don't go down this route & keep doing somethings for yourself. You're more than your job & your MBA.