For 99+percentiles add +10-15 marks to all predictions for this CAT 2024 for all slots

That website which not shall be named starting with c here which calculated everyones marks itself has >1000 persons having 100+ scores in it's own site. This CAT vs predicted percentile score will be close to 2019 or 2018 scorecard cause the difficulty level+ increase in competition comes out to there. All GEM freshers below 120 scaled score won't get anything thanks to increasing diversity and non engineering quota. I am not saying to demotivate you but this is the reality and infact is the reality kf me as well. If you are a GEM fresher with scaled score below 120 just take whatever you get.

My predictions 170+- 100 percentile 135-140 99.9 percentile 110-115- 99.5 percentile 100-105 99 percentile 90-95 98 percentile 75-80 95 percentile.

All those who don't agree with me wait for result day and wait. This is the easiest CAT in past 7-8 years