Be careful when you'll go inside the b-school! A post for all the aspirants :')
Edit 1 : Some of you commented that abhi nahi bolna tha maine ye as you all already have CAT ka stress etc. Well, sorry if you felt stressed or anxious about it but this post wasn't meant to scare you bruhh. It's a life which you'll be living after like 7-8 months from now. Don't think about that time and fuckup your prep. The next 20 days (approx) are more imp. Also, I'll be coming up with some motivating stories too in my next post! Prepare well and all the best 🩵✨
So, rn I'm sitting free after coming from an outing with my friends. And after a lot of discussion with a lot of peers and self analysing.. I'll share a few things with you all that you must keep in mind when you'll go into a b-school!
BE READY TO GET JUDGED! Tum kuch karo. Mat karo. There are people who will judge you. I'm a kind of a person who acts like a friend with everyone on campus. Because I have that मासूमियत to consider everyone to be "a good and honest human" in the start. But. Even if you are nice and talk to everyone.. there is some other the other thing that will make someone or the other hate/judge you. You might say something in sarcasm but, then people will judge you on that because they won't get it ig.
RUMOURS! This is like a cancer tbh. You are walking with a girl/guy on campus? Get ready to be paired with him/her. You are doing a case comp with someone? Yeah try kar raha hai/rahi hai. And then some or the other rumours about you! Luckily this didn't happen with me.. but happened to my friends (yaa fir mere baareme jo rumour hai mujh tak aaya hi nahi? 😂)
There are people on my campus doing glocal (idk how many of you know about this), and I don't really judge them cauz it's their life... Jo karna hai kare, then people who are into casual stuff etc. Everything is okay until and unless it's mutual. But, jo character assassination hoga fir tumhara! Wow 😂 Everyone is very much into tea and gossips (even I like to listen to them. But but... Never been a part of those groups who start spreading it or talking shit about random people).
And there are many of my close female friends here who tell me stuff. And one thing that they tell me is... Girls might talk in front of boys in a good way and pretend to be a good friend.. but the same girls will sit in groups and bitch about that particular guy at the very next moment. Same applies to the guys but it's very very less as compared to the girls.
Be calculative in what you are saying and where you are saying. You might be innocent enough to say stuff or share your feelings but people will take it in a wrong way (this has happened to me btw).
Make a good set of friends. And btw. Pre SIP and Post SIP you'll have a different set of friends most probably (this didn't happen with me but with many of the people on my campus). And.. things will get sorted on this front.. but, just to protect your image keep those things which I have shared above in your mind!
These 4-5 months on campus has taught me a lot of things and it's interesting also lol. But again, if you don't care about the world and you have that idgaf wala attitude.. you are good to go.. but... At some point or the other things will affect you!