Please help cat won’t stop peeing blood!

About 3 weeks ago, my cat F/10.5, had a couple dental extractions, and was given liquid clindamycin as her gums were very red/bled easily during the surgery. I think this caused an upset stomach as 3 days later she had diarrhea. Immediately after the diarrhea, she started RUNNING back and forth to her litter, straining to go nonstop. then, she started going pee outside the litter box (she NEVER has accidents so this had me really worried). I noticed that she was peeing only a couple drops at a time, and it was pink. I called my vet after hours and she said that she thinks my cat may have developed a UTI from the diarrhea, and to take her in the next morning. I took her in, and my cats bloodwork was completely fine, no signs of kidney issues. They tested the ph of her urine, it was completely normal, no uti or bladder stones, and no crystals were in her urine either. They gave her IV fluids and sent her back home since nothing was out of the ordinary besides blood in her pee. I continued having problems and they tested again about a week later, to still find nothing. We took her off of the clindamycin and gave her baytril and prazosin for 3 days, and that seemed to immediately work. She was peeing a normal amount now and there was no blood for about a week, until this morning when I woke up to blood spots all around her litter box. She was constantly straining to urinate AGAIN. I took her to the vet yet again and she just gave me urinary food and more baytril and prazosin, but I’m worried that the cycle will start once she finishes her meds. Is there something else we should be testing for ??? attaching her bloodwork in the photos if anyone sees anything off.