"But you can't get Canadian lettuce!" - False.

Title was said in a conversation last night. They were feeling frustrated by having to look where their produce was coming from. I had to interject because it's not true and none of them seemed to know:

Star Produce, a Canadian Company, built a large hydroponic, greenhouse in Alberta to grow fresh greens. They created "Inspired Greens" which sell a few different leafy products: https://www.inspiredgreens.ca/

My husband got to tour the greenhouse and it sounds pretty cool! Very "state of the art" type of stuff to make tasty "living lettuce" that can be placed in water once you get home to keep it fresh - and some other ready to serve salads and greens. The products are great quality but (to be fair) they don't come cheap.

Regardless, after that conversation, I just felt like I should mention it here. Fresh Canadian lettuce exists!

Edited to add: We're located on the Prairies. So excited to hear of all the other hydroponic greens companies across Canada! The more we support them, the more they can grow!