A message to the haters

I have learned a lot being part of this subreddit. For context, I’m someone who has been both anti-bitcoin and also has owned a small amount of crypto.

I’ve learned that you all have earned your PhDs in bitching and moaning— how Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme, how Michael Saylor’s delusional, and how MicroStrategy is seconds away from imploding.

You know what’s hilarious? You don’t actually believe your own nonsense, because if you did, you’d already be shorting the hell out of MicroStrategy. But no, you all don’t have the balls to back up your trash talk with actual money. Instead, you’re out here typing essays while you spank your monkey to your 2.5% bond gains.

Here’s the reality: you’re just a spectator in the game. Saylor and Bitcoin have already left you in the dust, and it’s eating you alive. It’s up 500% YTD, and to cope, you bitch and moan with other regards like you. You sport your fedora, keyboard warrior it up with your sweaty ballsack, and then sit back and watch your wife get bent over by her boyfriend. It’s pathetic

So keep crying while the rest of us watch your fiat savings erode in real-time. Either go all-in on your delusions and short MicroStrategy with your whole net worth or shut up. Hell, mortgage your house, sell your car, take out a loan if you are so confident. Either put your money where your mouth is or stop posting awful cringe nonsense. I feel bad for you

Now ban me so you can feel like you have a little bit of power in your pathetic life.