Depressed 😔.

Been living in nyc all my life. My family is from the islands so I do go back and 4th. Not as much as I like but I still get a break from the city. With that said I feel like this place is literally draining the life from me. Prices cleanliness/ RENT /cost to raise a child . It’s just getting out of hand everyone always mad or upset.

I have friends with full college degrees moving back with parents cause they can’t cut it and I’m just like wtf. Admittedly ( i fucked up in school and ended up with a ged ) I don’t have the best job money wise but I’m trying to fix that.. even with that I feel the amount I need to make is unreachable. Anyone else feeling similar????

I need to know if I’m crazy or just feeling the effects of my city from an adult view or a mix of both idk it just feels crazy lately.kinda just wanna give up and say fuck it. My parents made less and had more it’s just insane. I’m feel as tho I’m losing my life motivation to do anything other then be a dad which in turn means I need to step up and thus the cycle goes on ..