Why not phone call/ text first?

In my early twenties, I’ve been on a number of dates. I would say a lot. So in my early twenties before I really had preferences I would just go on dates willy nilly and I’d almost always walk out of the date not exactly wanting a second one. Some guys would trauma dump, talk too much, or even have bad breath- whatever. I’ve noticed now- men jump straight to let’s go on a date. I’d also like to add they rarely ever discuss logistics anymore. Since I’ve jumped back into dating, I’ve been instilling phone calls/ gaming dates FIRST to make sure nobody is wasting their time, gas, and energy. And it’s been very affective at saving my resources because lll jump on a call and someone just starts telling me how many times they’ve been to jail and all the drugs they do, but they really really wanted to go on a date. This insight might help someone that is tired of being disappointed. I just think going on a date without knowing you vibe is very impulsive.