Chattanooga TN 2018 IRC 602.3 Screw use for Framing?
I am building a 24'x12' shed/workshop, with a single slope roof and plan to do 2x6 construction for the walls and 2x8 for the roof rafters, all 16" on center. I finally got my pad poured and inspected (4"thick fiber reinforced with tied rebar and a 12"x12" turndown along the edge) and when I went back to read the 2018 IRC, I realized that section 602.3 does not mention screws anywhere for framing. I was planning on using #9 or #10 GRK R4 Multipurpose screws for the framing tomorrow (Saturday), but now I'm not sure if I can. I found the ICC-ES ESR, that GRK had on their website, and it looks like I can only use them, if I had submitted engineered plans for approval first? From the specs, it looks like the GRK R4 #10 screws are superior to the nails called out in 602.3, but if I really have to use nails, I guess I can go get a nail gun. Am I understanding how IRC R301.1.3 works?
The R4™ Multi-Purpose Screw, Fin/Trim™ Screw,
Kameleon™ Screw and RT Composite™ Screw are used in
wood-to-wood connections that are designed in accordance
with the IBC. For structures regulated under the IRC, the
screws may be used where an engineered design is
submitted in accordance with IRC Section R301.1.3.
Climatek™ coated screws are intended for use in the
Exposure Conditions shown in Table 6. PHEinox™ screws
may be used where stainless steel fasteners are prescribed
in the code.