If you could build around a functional reprint, what would it be?
Hello everyone!
Has anyone ever built a deck around a functional reprint? If so, what card was it? If you haven't yet, what card would you build around?
I'll go first! I have three different ideas floating around at the moment.
The other day, I was looking through my cards and came across my various versions of [[Overrun]]. It's what inspired this question as I considered putting a bunch of them together in a deck. I imagine it'd probably be a token deck in Naya colors.
The second card is [[Rampaging Brontodon]]. I love ramping and I love big creatures, so creatures whose power is based on the number of lands I control seems like a natural fit. For commanders, I was thinking either [[Bonny Pall]] in Simic colors or [[Surrak and Goreclaw]] since most of these creatures don't have trample themselves.
The last one was inspired by the new rhino that was spoiled at the start of the Tarkir spoilers. The one that gains you life and drains your opponents on ETB. There are quite a few creatures like that and there are some fun directions that you can take it in with blink and/or reanimate. Could be fun!