Looking for help! Grenzo, Dungeon Warden deck with 5$ budget challenge

Hey all! infrequent poster here looking for help. Recently I made a dimir graveyard aristocrat deck for a secret-santa and wanted to try to do a similar thing with [[Grenzo, Dungeon Warden]] deck for 5 dollars (not including basic lands, might increase budget to 10$) and I'm running into a wall.

There are some cheap goblins out there and plenty of cheap cards that move cards to the bottom of the library for interaction, but I'm struggling to fill out the majority of my deck under the budget restrictions. Really focusing on trying to make it as consistent as possible. If anyone has some lists that might be relevant for some ideas or even would like to attempt a list for me that would be incredible! Much love to you all, you guys are insanely insightful.