Beginner setup for girlfriend who's a casual music listener?

Hello everyone, my girlfriend and I live in a small apartment in Queens, New York City. After scouring the subreddit and doing some research I've seen that searching for the right used setup is something that can be a viable option for great sound and that picking pieces up as we progress in our music listening journey is a must! With that said, currently my girlfriend wants to start listening to vinyl so she purchased an Audio Technica LP70X. She initially purchased it with the intention of using a Marshall Amp speaker as the speakers but I quickly shut that down, her reasoning was that it was cute. I too have minimal experience with turntables, vinyl, or hi-fi speaker setups as the only experience I would have is using my KRK Rokit 5's and my Universal Audio Apollo.

So with that said, I'm looking to figure out a good beginner setup. My budget is not great at around 300-350$ atm. I realize that a beginner setup with a passive setup like maybe: RSL iA255.1 amplifier and a ELAC Debut with the LP70x is proper but I was wondering if just getting an edifier setup with either the mr4's or S350DB setup would be a bit better since we are both complete beginners on this journey.

Tl;DR: - Need to find beginner setup in conjunction to Audio Technica LP70X (already have this) - Budget around $350-ish, live in a small apartment in NYC. - Would prefer an "active" setup and willing to upgrade as we learn and continue our journey, unless this is definitely the wrong thing to do.