[Guide] Should you pull - Blood Glutton Justia
Banner Guide - Blood Glutton Justia (rerun) • Brown Dust 2
TL;DR: Blood Glutton Justia is primarily a PVP costume, who is very effective thanks to her big AOE, small cost and fixed damage that ignores all DEF and M.RES. In PVP, she is strong against low HP/high resistance enemies and dark enemies (like Seir). She is weak against enemies with evasion and enemies with energy guards (like RH.Rou).
Although Blood Glutton can be used in PVE to significantly boost Justia's total damage, Justia's still not as good for PVE as other light attackers than can crit (detailed maths in the guide).
Pull only if you are interested in running Justia on your PVP team, and already have other Justia costumes at a high level. If you plan on using BG.Justia in high ranking PVP battles, you need to have her at +5 full potential or you risk falling short on damage, since her skill damage is relatively low compared to other Justia costumes.