Park Slope private school costs more per year than my Masters degree!

How can people afford $60k+ for elementary school?!

EDIT: looks like this post tickled a lot of you. Just wanted to make sure people realized: the school is in Park Slope, but it probably doesn't only have families that live in Park Slope. Lots of people are confusing these two things.

EDIT2: Several comments below share information about scholarships and discounts for low-income, gifted students of color. These schools can be a good option, but it may be difficult to keep up with the other families socially. Yet, other comments make good arguments and share resources on why private schools do not guarantee the best post-secondary education.

I come from a student union background that demanded free education at University level in Canada. The top ~25% can pay for expensive education at any level, and the bottom ~25% can access scholarships. It is the middle 50% that is usually SOL. Education is perhaps the most important social determinant of future socioeconomic condition. I know we like to roll our eyes at Park Slope families lol, but everyone's reactions here just confirms that black and brown and disadvantaged families must band together and demand their local schools to do better. Of course, social empowerment for change is in itself a luxury. Please read comments below on how families with IEP kids have to, and have, advocated for their children, including suing DOE apparently, and able to get the resources they're owed.