Idina sick? Redwood matinee review.

Went to see the 2PM Matinee, lottery tickets row Q on stage left.

First up—no shade on performers who aren’t on their A game on a given day. It happens, and the specially when you’re above the title, there’s pressure to keep on.

That said, seemed like an incredibly rough show for Idina. The first 25 minutes, she was consistently below pitch (in a way I think would be noticeable to untrained ears).

The cast also didn’t seem to be gelling.

What made the experience more unpleasant was the nearby audience. Constant talking to my right, one woman in front had brought a full container of takeout Chinese that she attempted to eat before multiple scolds from the ushers.

To my right, crunchy snacks in crunchy bags from the talkers. An hour in one woman turned to them to remark “could you please silence your snacks”.

Then at the emotional climax of the show, snack woman started bawling loudly while her companion laughed.

Unfortunately, due to all the above, it was one of my lesser Broadway experiences.

However I enjoyed going regardless and appreciate the performers/theatre working with what they’re given.

(Probably wouldn’t see it again on a different day though)