PSA: Please don’t wear a wizard hat to the theater

I was at the matinee of Urinetown at NY City Center today. I was in the Grand Tier Center, pretty darn good seats, two in from the aisle. The guy on the end was no sh!t wearing a knit grey wizard hat. The guy behind him asked him to take it off twice, which he did for a little while each time before putting it back on.

Folks, I know you love the way that hat or updo makes you look, but seriously, if you’re going to the theater, leave it for another time. There’s assigned seating. People can’t just get up and move somewhere else while you do you. Tickets are pricey, and people can’t just come back and see the show again and hope they’re not going to sit behind an idiot in a wizard hat the next time.

Seriously, ushers gotta shut that down when they see that walking in the door.