Shows without live gunfire or explosions?
Hi all, this is a very specific question, but here we go.
My work team is going to NYC in a couple weeks and we are being treated to a Broadway show. My team asked me to pick the show because I'm really into film/lit/plays, and I really don't want to see "Wicked" because my college roommate was obsessed with it so I've heard the soundtrack hundreds of times.
My problem is that I have an ear condition where I'm hypersensitive to combustion sounds, like gunfire or fireworks. Recordings of these sounds can be uncomfortable but don't effect me, but live explosives cause me enormous pain and then I have a seizure they continue-- one time my sixth grade teacher didn't believe me on a class trip to see "Les Mis" and I seized and wet myself during the cannons. I don't want to risk this happening in front of my colleagues.
The shows I'm most interested in are "Some Like it Hot," which I know has two gun fights in the movie, and "Little Shop of Horrors," which I suppose has the potential for pyrotechnics. Do either of these shows use recordings instead of practical effects? Or maybe just one explosion I can grimace through? Other suggestions?