Let them taste their own medicine!
Ive been having so much fun on master mode but it was still shocking to find a WHITE LYNEL(?) on great plateau, like who's idea is this?😂 This is a second kill with better chance since I killed this exact lynel after a bloodmoon with the previous one's savage crusher and a traveler's bow. Imagine the first one i killed i was only stealing what was there so there were like these bokoblin's set (bow and shield) with me and also a traveler's sword for a better dmg output (instead of bokoblin's club ofc😂) when i mounted him, also iirc i was down like 80+ arrows i farmed from 2 bokoblins near temple of time and destroyed almost all of my bows i gathered. It took me approximately 25 minutes to finally be able to kill the first one. I really want to share it to you guys the montage but due to the fact that im playing on switch lite and only able to record every 30s, i was thinking i cant suffer anymore distractions cuz you know the current challenge i was facing with those equipment was already diabolical😭 Therefore when i finally killed him, it felt glorious lol, that was a really thrilling challenge!