Keep replaying the last few days we were together in my head.
I know I dodged a bullet and she had a lot of red flags. But I got close to her over the 5 months we were going out. We were never official but we’re taking things slow ( her ex killed himself in January). I felt like we were doing good and it’s like she did a 180 after the 4th of July party. I got the whole not ready for a relationship focusing on myself and kids. 2 weeks later she’s in a relationship. A few days before she got into the relationship she asked for help with her car that broke down and also needed a ride to the doctor. Had no issue with that and we had a nice conversation, even bought me lunch. That same night she blocks me on Facebook but wants to stay friends on Snapchat. I deleted and blocked her on everything I’m not gonna be the back up guy/option. She did move 45 minutes away but still works in my town. Maybe that was part of it. Just felt like I was used. I will add she have a very bad drinking problem and doesn’t like being alone.