Questions for the dumpees

Asking this as the dumper..

I just broke up with my GF 3 days ago ( almost 2.5 years, half of which was long distance). She was still very in love with me, but for various reasons things did not work out. I still love and care for her a lot, and I know that she loves me even more.

It absolutely killed me to have to break things off, and my heart aches from missing her, but mostly from knowing that she will be devastated. We went NC since then, and the only thing in my mind is to wonder if there's anything i can do to help her get through this at all. I want to stay friends with her, but I know at this moment she's very resentful of me and I have to stay away to not give false hope. ( we broke up and got back together a few months back but the same issues kept persisting, so i don't want to give her getting back hopes).

We do have mutual friends and I will ask them to check in on her, but do you guys think it's a good idea to let my ex know that i'm suffering and heartbroken as well (through the friends of course) ? The last thing I want her to think is that I moved on like nothing ever happened, which is not the case at all. Does it help with her healing process? Because i'm absolutely miserable right now, and I can't imagine how worse it must be for her...