He texted me
Background: Semi-LDR, Monday will make 3 weeks post-BU, first BU for both of us. Dated for nearly 1.5 years. he is on spring break now which means he is close to me. We have been NC this entire time. At the time of the BU he said he wanted to stay in touch and that he still loves me but he is loving me less because of the distance.
Anyway, he texted me last night that he wants to get coffee and catch up. I’m gonna wait to respond because i got very little sleep and i dont wanna say something stupid. I want to meet up but i cant do coffee. I need a more private place. I will probably get emotional and wont be able to say everything I want to. Also i have to ask him what his goal is w this conversation... if it’s literally just to catch up or something else. I’m not really sure what my question is honestly. I just feel totally clueless i guess
Edit: side note, when i saw the texts i didnt panic or cry or anything. I feel pretty neutral right now which surprises me. I am not obsessing or getting anxious. That is pretty good