Anyone gotten back together with an ex and it worked out?

It’s been a year and three months since we broke up. We were NC for a year or so of that. He reached out recently and we’ve hung out a couple of times since then and it’s been going well. Neither of us feel any awkwardness and it’s been really easy to settle back into things (obviously). We’ve also had the first of many important discussions about our past and potential future relationship. We’re on the exact same page with it and plan to continue the conversations as necessary.

Btw we’re 28F and 33M.

We broke up for reasons pertaining to myself and some personal growth I needed to do and I’ve done a lot of it. I caused some unnecessary drama.

Aside from the one or two fights we got into (both of them pretty big and the second leading to the breakup) the relationship felt very mature and very healthy.

Just curious if anyone has success stories. Or unsuccessful stories that sound similar to this.