Revenge. I am testifying against ex girlfriend who cheated on me with evidence she commited a crime and I want her to go to jail.
I visited my now ex girlfriend at a place she moved to a few days prior to the visit. We had drinks then an unsaved number calls her asking if they could come over and she responded with ‘not now’. That made me curious obviously so I asked who was on the other side of the line. She told me it’s a friend she attended uni with who had not seen her in a long time but saw her walk in with me so he wanted to see her and she insisted on him coming after I leave. Suspect AF. I told her he can come we have some drinks at which point she became very defensive. We had a back and forth conversation but I later found out the caller was with her all morning before I came and was on his way back when I was there and it happens to be the person I thought was her ex of five years. She had been cheating.
Now this is the fun part. She actually has an ongoing court case that I have followed closely for some months now. She is on trial for theft at her former workplace. Now I have never said a thing concerning this but I have always known she did it. I know the account she put the money in and even the purchases she made and on which days approximately. I called the prosecutor and arranged a meeting. The information I have will have the case end in a few weeks and she will go to jail. Given the cards I have would you play them ?