Should I meet her?

A bit of context. She broke up with me in December. I was very angry at her because it happened via phone call and she couldn't even say to my face why. Later I confronted her via texts: every single time I would ask for an explanation, she would give one which sounded strange/silly/or solvable, I would point that out and she would give a second reason for things I didn't even realize were problems (because I trusted her and us and we didn't have any major problem), I would try to discuss and show her everything could be solved together, but she would give a third reason, and so on and so on. "We are incompatible", "I lost my feelings for you", how and why? After 7 years you say this?

The one thing that pissed me off the most was that she used my angry reaction to prove we were different (I didn't insult her) and that made me even more angry. Even so, I still wanted to see her and talk face to face, so I asked if I could come to the US (where she went to do her master thesis) and use my plane ticket I bought months before when we were organizing a holiday together in California. She refused, giving logistical excuses and saying she was too sad and I was too angry. She didn't realize that made me even more angry, she didn't realize that I fight because I care and I want to understand her. None of this is easy but I still had the strength and the love to see her.

During this mess, she suggested we could meet in March, when she will come back from the US, "if" I wanted to get more answers. IF! As if I didn't deserve to get answers, as if it wasn't disrespectful enough to leave me via phone and put me aside waiting for her to maybe feel comfortable enough to have a conversation with me after her stay in the US.

A part of me doesn't want to meet her in March, anofher part of me would like to see her again just to get a goddamn closure. I feel like after 7 years together, we should at least deserve to end things in a more decent way. But she disrespected me so much and hurt me like hell. Should I meet her in March? I don't know...