Quick reminder

Pursuing your ex harder after they left, show no interest, ignore you or started a rebound relationship isn’t the way to improve things.

Because when an ex has already reached this point, they usually don’t care about how you feel and no amount of pursuing, chasing, begging, pleading, texting and calling on your part can change that.

Now here’s what to do instead:

Stop giving in to the knee-jerk reaction to chase

I call it knee-jerk reaction because this is an emotional impulse that’s done from a place of fear, panic and unhealthy attachment, not love.

From a place where you’re not thinking clearly, where your pain, insecurities and fears have consumed and overpowered your rationale, critical thinking and self-respect.

And the thing about breakup-mastery is that you got to learn again to remain grounded in truth, in your power whenever you become aware that these emotional impulses start to creep up more and more.

I.e. rather than acting on those feelings and fears, on this urge to reach out to them or whatever, take a step back and choose to mindfully observe what’s actually happening around and inside of you.

This is how you let go and I can’t stress enough how much wisdom, self-awareness and personal growth you gain just from doing that.

And when you do this, what you notice is that the urge slowly but surely dissipates because you’re no longer consumed by fear and desperation but instead reconnect to your inner power because you have transcended unhealthy attachment and raised your level of consciousness, where you shifted from a state of shame, guilt or fear into a state of neutrality/indifference, acceptance, reason or peace.

The more consistently you do this practice, the better you get at it and the easier it becomes to return to a place of inner alignment, power, self-respect and emotional/mental stability.

You will stop being at the effect of your exes behaviors, actions and decisions and start being at the cause of your life.