EDIT: lots of emotions here.

Y’all think every damn person is a narcissist and it’s fucking toxic!!!! People who know real narcissistic abuse know they are a RARE breed. It’s an insult to them and it’s disgusting how it’s thrown around like y’all think it’s the same thing as “asshole”. Start using that word bc most y’all have no idea. Namaste 🙏


It took me 29 years to realize my father was. they abuse physically/emotionally etc. and then play victim and never apologize and the hardest part is they don’t see it. So you don’t.

Ex. Playing catch baseball as a kid would start throwing the ball as hard as he could at my 10 year old self saying I wasn’t leaning into it then he would say that night at home he would have killed for his dad to have played catch with him and how he’s the victim for me not being appreciative to have a dad who plays catch.

He TRULY believes it which in turn makes them masterminds at being victims since they actually think they are.

Many more stories but egotistical assholes, dicks, cunts are not that.

I lost that whole side of the family by leaving because they make you the abuser.

He bounced for Spain for ~15 years and convinced me, my sister and that side of the family that I’m a punk kid who is selfish and that I abandoned him.

And my mom…that was the hardest part before she had the courage to leave.

I have many more stories. And I agree there’s never a reason to be an asshole. Women have been raped and radiate light. But release it let go and love yourself.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I am changing myself.”

Most people here are hurting. Who is spewing more hate and who is growing? Bc we’re all hurting. I’m not a guru just some guy who is learning how not to make a lightbulb.

There is a level of darkness where the light resides I promise. We can all grow especially me.

I love you all. I truly mean namaste. Love that person in the mirror. Even narcissists I love you too because you all live in such a self created hell and you don’t even realize it. I hope you find peace. But I still choose to release what doesn’t serve me because it goes inward outward. And I’m still working on the inward. People trolling i love you too.

Dear Fear…