Why chasing an ex-girlfriend who decided to leave you never works
It never truly works because showing her how hurt and miserable you are without her, falling on your knees and begging her to come back or constantly blowing up her phone with messages on all of her social media accounts is not how you rebuild all the love, attraction, interest and respect she once had for you.
It pretty much always does the opposite.
Not just because it’s making you look weak and desperate in her eyes or because you would be hurting yourself but, also because the emotional breakup happened long before she told you that it’s over and officially ended things. Meaning that they have been in a process of emotionally checking out and moving on while still being with you.
And once they got the point of ending it for good, they’re usually fixated on never coming back.
Because they’ve made up their mind and no amount of chasing, begging or pleading can change that.
That’s why it’s so powerful to learn to respect yourself, gracefully walk away with your dignity still in tact and master your emotions.
To realize that people make the worst mistakes of their life when they act on raw, unfiltered emotional impulses, because emotional decisions are pretty much always the wrong decisions.
Now I know that for you, in the moment it may seem like the right thing to dump your feelings on her and then hope that it changes her mind so that she takes you back.
However, it never truly is the right thing to do and most people who did that ended up regretting it.
You wont be the exception to that.
So, learn from other peoples mistakes.
Choose wisdom over desperation.
Master your emotions and you will master your life.