Ideas for brawlers without hypercharge/ideas how to buff hypers (sorry for bad english)
bc brawl stars is a bit lazy with their hypercharges I made some ideas for them (as player who experienced the game for 6 years)
- brock : stays mostly the same but the damage is going back to 700 but the last wave sets the floor on fire dealing 1000dmg for 3 seconds
- darryl : keeps his attacking thingy but the range of super is 50% bigger/longer
- 8 bit : his turret shoots and slows down enemies for 0.5 sec
- belle : her hc stuns enemy for 1 sec and chops its health slowly 100hp per second BUT doesnt take away the natural healing
- nani : her hc will make peep put enemies on fire upon hit (1000hp for 2 seconds)
- pearl : her explosion will push enemies towards her and her flame area
- gene : he only has one hand but its slower than normal hand making him able to hit enemy more times
- sandy : his super upon hit will stun and not silence enemies for 0.5 sec
- emz : her hyper leaves enemies poisoned
- sprout : either make the walls last longer but delete the thorns OR leave the thorns and let allies walk thru them
- squeak : he doesnt have 2nd super but leaves a sticky trail for 10 seconds and his bombs explode faster (could also give him bigger range when throwing)
- ash : spawns a turret spitting out his rats every 1 second (the turret has 9000 hp) on top of his original super
- janet : she drops 1.5x more bombs and moving her is still little bit slippery
- gray : he still has 2 supers but the second one gives him immortality for 1 sec
- charlie : her cacoon is invincible and stays for 6 seconds
idea for hypercharges :
- bo : his mines explode automatically after enemy steps on them also deploys not 3 but 5 mines in a star shape
- pam : her turret heals itself (800 hp per second)
- carl : his hypercharge makes him take 60% less damage (similarly to bull) and brawlers are unable to cancel his super
- bea : her bees target enemies similarly to pipers gadget or meeple attacks
- amber : her super leaves a 10 second burning area after she lights it
- byron : when ally gets hit makes him unable to take damage for 5 seconds. when enemy gets hit he's unable to reload for 3 seconds
- grom : his supper doesnt disappear after hitting a wall and casts a 2nd smaller supper at the end of the main supper
- griff : his supper "cuts" enemies and makes them bleed (600 for 4 seconds)
- meg :
1 mecha form : her sword stuns enemies uppon hit also the delay is gone
2 form without mech : she gets into mech instantly and gives herself a 30% reduction shield for 5 seconds
- lola : she casts 2 egos which are not affected by her "bad" radius (idk the name of it)
- bonnie :
1 clyde form : when bonnie launches herself she stuns enemies upon hit
2 normal form : when bonnie goes into clyde she makes it instantly also doing a small explosion dealing 2000 dmg
- sam : (its the hardest one to balance tbh(not counting mandy)) he either has infinite supers OR when claw hits someone he grabs them and stunts them for 5 seconds (also leaves bleeding effect)
- gus : either gives all of his allies a shield OR his shield has thorns ability (deflecting 50% of the damage dealt to gus or his allies who have his shield currently on)
- buster : can aim his shield (smth like hank while aiming)
- chester : 2 ideas before using his super a random one gets added so hell use 2 random supers OR hell use 1-3 of the super he's currently using
- mandy : (I'm sorry sam I take that what I said back) her super is 50% bigger ig or can bounce off walls
- R-T : when RT splits his legs are no longer life connected to him when the legs die his only a head now until he gets a super he's stuck like this
- Willow : can use enemies supers and gadgets
- hank : his fish torpedos will be shot in 2 waves 1st smaller ones dealing 50% of the normal damage and 2st wave dealing the normal amount of damage after 1 sec delay
- doug : after using his super he comes back to life with 3 sec invincibility shield
- chuck :
dash : leaves a small burning trail behind him (400 dmg for 2 second)
posting a pole : he can put one additional pole
- kit : he throws 2 projectiles when on ally
and can throw his balls when on enemy
- draco : his dragon has more range and leaves a burning effect for one second (100 dmg)
- lily : similarly to fang her super can go thru walls also has "aimbot" towards enemies (it can also jump from enemy to enemy but seems kinda to risky)
- clancy : similarly to surge he unloads his 4th mode giving his 2 front shoots an homing effect
- moe : after supering the area he went thru has small cracks which enemies are not able to cross unless they are flying(like eve or shade)(not juju tho)
- kenji : he uses his "shadows" to make his super slash one more time at every tip of the super
- shade : he allows allies to walk thru walls but he gets a 25% damage increase when in wall during a hypercharge
- juju : grugru has bigger range of attacks
- meeple : allows allays to walk over walls when they are in his super area
- ollie : can attack after using his supper
this took me 3 hours to complete hope yall will like it and give me your propositions to change smth or whatever