Supercell isn't that bad, right?
The new update is fire. That's not an issue. I like the rewards, especially a few of the skins that came in this update. The only issue I have is with the Hypercharge skins, Dark Angel Edgar and Demon Mortis.
The past 2 hypercharge skins we have gotten, being a relatively new rarity, have been guaranteed throughout simply playing the event. I preferred the obtainment of Sovereign Rico, since I couldn't really trust my club to do the event for me.
But, with the Angels vs Demons season that has come recently, I've been a bit offset. Why would you lock a skin, of the highest value in the game behind a paywall? It's not even guaranteed. Atleast 1 in 909 angel/demon starr drops will drop it.
Supercell has gone too far with this, because they know people will buy it. But several people will just be discouraged to even play the game because of it. You could easily inspire people to play more by locking the skin behind a wall of playtime or a certain quota of starr drops to obtain it - similar to godzilla buzz and the rico skin.
I really, really wanted to obtain these skins(cause they look sick) but the fact that I probably won't get it kinda makes me question why I even play the game.
I am not a heavy spender, at all. I buy the brawl pass every season, and the occasional offer in the shop if I need it. The sad part is, being a heavy spender nearly guarantees both the skins. Hopefully Supercell will learn from their mistakes in the future.