This aged like milk

Neither the ladder, ranked or competitive meta feel balanced right now. With Lou and Juju not receiving any meaningful nerfs, Berry and Melodie not being nerfed at all despite being very much S tier, Mr.P and Hank getting their broken hypercharges and Ollie getting a big damage buff and rework at the same time.

There's also some brawlers going under the radar like Bea, Poco, Janet, Stu and Gene; who all benefitted greatly from the gadget change (Bea and Janet also got their hypercharges).

The meta right now just feels very stacked with very strong brawlers, not to mention that some of these can be extremely toxic, especially Lou and Mr.P.

Neither the ladder, ranked or competitive meta feel balanced right now. With Lou and Juju not receiving any meaningful nerfs, Berry and Melodie not being nerfed at all despite being very much S tier, Mr.P and Hank getting their broken hypercharges and Ollie getting a big damage buff and rework at the same time.

There's also some brawlers going under the radar like Bea, Poco, Janet, Stu and Gene; who all benefitted greatly from the gadget change (Bea and Janet also got their hypercharges).

The meta right now just feels very stacked with very strong brawlers, not to mention that some of these can be extremely toxic, especially Lou and Mr.P.