Spike's recent buffs are actually kind of clever

Some people have already mentioned this but I think Spike's recent buffs to his HP are a pretty clever way to buff him without making him toxic.

For a long while, Curveball was the better sp for Spike because it made his shots more likely to hit, but it was also pretty hated because not many people could dodge it, making it frustrating to play against. SC nerfed Spike's damage as a result and he fell off pretty hard, so eventually they decided to buff him again.

However, buffing his damage or reload speed would only make him problematic again. That's why an HP buff is perfect for Spike: it synergizes very well with Fertilize since having more HP means he can get much more value out of the heals, and it also scales off his max HP, but it doesn't really affect his Curveball build. It's an elegant way of nerfing Curveball without actually nerfing it.