The rescaling for gadgets and starpowers feel very random
Title, the balance changes were just dropped and pretty much all the number based gears/gadgets/starpowers were buffed. Some more then others; some got buffed with 20%, other with more then 100%. In my opinion, most of these feel really weird. Some were buffed more while they are the better starpower/from a good brawler, others were nerfed while they were the worse starpower/from a bad brawler. There is way too much to go over, so I’ll give a few examples. For comparison; to have the starpowers the same as before the rescaling you’d need a 33% buff.
Lola’s heal starpower was buffed (107%) , while it was the most used starpower after it got a buff (even in Heist). Ash’s chill pil gadget was buffed by 25% while Ash is arguably a pretty underwhelming tank rn (not as bad as Frank or Hank, but kinda meh).
There are plenty more examples, these are just a few.
I’m sure Adrian has thought about the balance changes a lot, but some of them feel like he just used a random number generator. No hate to him, but the buffs could have been a good way to shake the meta up, buffing a lot of bad and nerfing a lot of good brawlers. Although I also see a lot of good buffs (imo), I see just as many weird ones.
Anyway, thanks for reading, I’d love to hear your thoughts on some of the balance changes.