Legendary Brawler Guide
Hello guys! Today I'm gonna tell you the 7 Legendaries in order on how good they are/who to pick (if possible)/who to max out.
Let's go!
Chester- Pretty familiar, right? Another Brawler being broken for a few weeks, then getting nerfed to oblivion. Now Chester is a D tier Brawler, with basically not used in top Power League whatsoever. I think he CAN be used to counter Cordelius, or in Brawl Ball, but that's pretty much all the times he can be useful.
Sandy- The Vision Gear nerf/rework from a low C tier Brawler to a mid-low B tier Brawler. He is sadly still rarely used in competitively, even though he has one of the best Gadgets in the game. He is pretty good against spawners. He is really good in Gem Grab, pretty good in Hot Zone due to his Super and quite good in Brawl Ball, due to his GADGET.
Amber- Amber got up in the Meta after adding her Mythic Gear (20% slow) making her tops A tier. After that, it sadly got nerfed to 10%, and it made her drop in the Meta again. She is viable in Hot Zone and Gem Grab usually. She is pretty good against mid-range Brawlers and Tanks. She is a mid-B tier Brawler
Meg- Meg dropped hard after her nerf. She was the best Brawler in the game, then went A tier, and finally B tier. She basically was an underrated Brawler with a really strong nieche in Hot Zone, and being a good Brawler to max out to a overrated and overpowered one. She is still pretty fun to play, but she is a mid Brawler now. She is still worth to max out!
Leon- one of the most underrated Brawlers in the game. He is viable on 9 maps out of 18 in Power League, mainly in Knockout, Bounty and Hot Zone as a last pick. He is a really good aggro Brawler with a decent Gadget, a good Star Power and an OP Mythic Gear.
Spike-Spike is a pretty underrated Brawler. He is slowly creeping up the Meta, currently being a mid-A tier Brawler. He is good on around 10 maps in Power League. His best Modes are Brawl Ball, Gem Grab and Heist. Its a big factor too, that he counters a top 5 Brawler in the game, who is at the top of my list, who is....
Crow- Yeah, Crow risen crazily in the Meta. He is basically viable everywhere, except on some (really) open Bounty and Knockout maps. He has a really decent Gadget and Star Power, he has high movement speed and high DPS too with the right Build. He is the right Brawler to pick when you need to destroy healers, Tanks or you just need a Controller Brawler. Definitely make sure to choose him and max him out, not only because he is REALLY good in the Meta, but because he is a really fun (and annoying-to-face) Brawler.