Today went well.
I’m happy to say today was a great day. After 2weeks of being homeless and feeling completely alone,I genuinely smiled today. I started a job at Olive Garden as a server a week ago. I’ve been training and getting to know the team a bit. Everyone seems nice. A few days of that was a nice break from wandering the streets and sleeping in bitter weather. Today though,was extra special. I served about 5 tables on my own and was able to bring in decent tips. Towards the end of the work day I spent more one one time with my trainer and was able to open up a bit. They seem like a genuinely good person. Another coworker chatted with me for a bit and we got to know each other a little. I think we meshed well. Today made me feel a little less alone and more inspired to strive more to getting my own place,car and going back to school. Today was a good day.