From the Mouth of a Greatest Gen Member
My wife is a nurse at a local assisted living facility with a lot of Boomers and a few surviving Greatest Gen residents. As most of these Greats were friends of my deceased grandparents, I try to visit them on weekends. A lot of the Boomers are friends of my parents or are relatives. Today I went to visit with “C” who was my grandmother’s best friend who is 96 years young. She has the same wicked sense of humor that my grandmother had and is still very sharp and active. As we’re talking during the visit, a Boomer and his wife who are residents, walked into the dining area and bellowed, “Hey! I’ve shit my pants again! Someone’s gotta help me get cleaned up!” I personally know the couple. There is absolutely no reason that he cannot use a toilet nor clean himself up if he did indeed have just an accident. C looks at me as if to say, “Did I just hear him correctly?”, and then lit into him and his wife. I was trying to stifle myself from bursting out laughing, but I didn’t want C to lose a beat in her dressing-down of the two. She shamed the hell out of them, calling them lazy fools, self-centered idiots, etc. Her tirade lasted close to two minutes. Boomer and wife slinked back towards their rooms. I have to say I wasn’t the only one who burst out laughing when they’d left the area. She looked at me, apologized for her outburst and looked embarrassed that she had done so. Then she clasped my hand and said, “I don’t know what we did wrong, but we sure did raise a bunch of entitled bastards. I’m so glad that your generation (X) isn’t like them.”
Edit: I was unsure what generation to include C with; either Silent or Greatest. Thanks for the corrections.