Boomer Dad admits I was right about Bernie
My parents have never been maga, always been democrats, despite being in their 70s. During Bernie’s second primary, we had a lot of debates about Bernie v Biden. I was constantly trying to convince them of why Bernie was the better candidate, and they just didn’t think he could win, due to him not siding with republicans enough (the cult of bipartisanship)
Tonight, after a discussion about the current state of things (we are US citizens living In Canada for the last 40 years) and my silent gen grandma who is full maga (likely due to dementia at the age of 95) my father finally texted me this:
“And by the way, I will admit you were right about Bernie all along”
Im so proud of him for seeing this. A bit too late, but I’m still proud of him for being willing to acknowledge he was wrong and that Biden facilitated the current situation we as Canadians find ourselves in.
Not all boomers are fools.