Junaid and khushi

I watched at least 3 interviews of Kushi and Junaid last night before going to sleep and let me just say beyond him being socially awkward they have such a great chemistry together. I'm really looking forward to watching their film. I'm rooting for both of them and Junaid makes her look good and he is so endearing beyond words. I'm low-key rooting for them and wish Kushi was single because in an alternate universe they be good for each other.

They could be the next Alia and Ranbir but better and they're both introverts so. Haha. I wish their PR teams were taking notes if they have any. There is so much potential as they're giving me old married couple vibes. I know he be good for her and at home like who doesn't want a husband who isn't cheating on you? and she could be Alia updating him on social media.