Anyone know this Izuku/poly fic?
Basically Izuku is fed up with being pushed around and bullied and finally snaps back at Bakugou one day in the dorms, shouting at him about how he's nothing but a psychotic bully who took pleasure in hurting people weaker than himself. The end result is Bakugou snaps back and ends up put in a mental institution for his own good after he tried to murder half the class in a psychotic episode, only escaping arrest due to the HPSC interfering for some reason.
Afterwards Izuku is reclusive for a while with only Momo caring enough to stick around him through this stage the entire time, Jirou joins in on day 2 along with Mina. Ochako meanwhile is convinced that Izuku is too dangerous to be around and that she can't be friends with him anymore so she acts like a snobby brat. Iida just be's himself since Izuku technically broke rules such as fighting in the dorms after Bakugou attacked him, swearing and shouting and spurns the green haired boy.
Eventually the LoV bust out Bakugou and he goes full villain since in his logic: if he killed Deku which would expose him as a fraud then he'd be hailed as a real hero and quickly rise to be number one as again, he believes Izuku is a fraud for "hiding" his quirk all these years.
Eventually the pairing starts with Izu/Mina since she is rather forward about things but then Momo joins in followed shortly by Jirou who's mostly just following Momo's lead. I'm pretty sure Aizawa brags about winning a staff bet because of them at one point and Present Mic moped about it.
Pretty sure the summer camp incident is where Bakugou shows up again but helping the league instead of the students. Toga is still a massive psycho as is twice and moonfish. Mustard is a bit more hesitant. Also pretty sure after this Bakugou beats the hell out of Shigaraki and hijacks the LoV to go against Izuku specifically, everything else is just collateral to him.
Background pairs I remember were Inko/Yagi and Shishida/Kimori.