[FT] [Socal, Norcal, Vegas] marvel United EVERYTHING released, Lets go to Japan Deluxe Kickstarter, Deliverance Deluxe, Monster Hunter Board Game All in, Zoo Vadis Deluxe, Too Many Bones, Others [W] Slay the Spire, Kinfire Chronicles, Pickleball gear, etc

Inland empire based, but going to vegas this weekend and also going to Norcal bay area (Fremont/manteca) around early october. local trades preferred, happy to consider shipping. may consider sales.

Other new games since last posting:

Deliverance (NIS KS Deluxe edition)

Lets go to Japan Matsuri/Festival Goer edition with extras/ceramic bowls/cloth

Marvel United ALL IN seasons 1-3 + cardboard locations/villain dashboards. All gameplay content released for marvel united thus far (yes including witching hour box promos + symbiote promo deck from comic con). some minis painted. the only thing missing? 3 fingers from one sentinel. (Local only, may consider sales)

Monster Hunter World board game : ALL IN + errata pack

Skytear Horde

Flamme Rouge + Peloton expansion

Option 1: Too many Bones Trove chest : Base, undertow, 40 days, 40 waves, Age of Tyranny, premium health chips, adventure mat 2.0, nugget, ghillie, tink, gasket, lab rats, (Low Trade interest, I only want 1 set so i can consider trading this instead of the other set - local only)

Option 2: Too Many Bones: base, Undertow (NIS) , and Age of tyranny (NIS)

Brook City Kickstarter set

Exceed street fighter: Chun li and M Bison sets (condensed into chun li) + ryu deck, and some other sets too.

Zoo Vadis deluxe (NIS)

Dieson crusoe

Illiterati Deluxe edition

Hadrians Wall

Dice Forge

Not Alone + expansion

Inside Job

Don’t get got


Warpgate Beyond expansion (5-6 player edition, expansion only )

Heaven and Ale (unpunched)

Japanese games: - should include english rules.

Vivo (NIS)

Nanatoridori (NIS)

Cafe Overload Oink (NIS)

Trick & Snipers (NIS)

Anima Bistro (unplayed)

Bus & Stop (new Saashi and Saashi game)

Other games:

Space Alert

Ancient World

Raiders of the north sea plus expansions (Halls of heroes and fields of fame)

Explorers of the north sea

Shipwrights of the north sea

Star wars rebellion

Mystic Vale

Cubitos (NIS)

Altiplano (unpunched)

Catharsis + sagas 1 and 2 expansions + Duo powers + multiple playmats

Unmatched: Teen spirit (NIS)

Grimm forest


Hidden Leaders + expansion

Dwellings of Eldervale + minotaur + shapeshifter

Project Elite - All in kickstarter

Oathsworn + armory

Innovation + expansion (older edition with subjectively better art)

Adventure tactics

Skull + Promo set of coasters (which adds another player so can boost player count to 7)

Moonrakers Base - effectively base game but in kickstarter box.

Lord of the Rings LCG Plus fellowship of the ring saga plus a few other character expansions

The Initiative

Warps Edge

Jaipur (Old and new edition available)

Azul + Playmat

5 Minute Dungeon: Big box + expansion

5 minute marvel

Above and Below Kickstarter edition

Ancient World

Android: Netrunner

Arkham horror Card game Return to Dunwhich, forgotten age, and path to carcosa boxes

Atlantic STorm

ATtack on Titan: Deck Building game with hange promo character

Banned Words

Battlecon: Complete Unleashed Kickstarter collection (one of the two boxes has an edge split)

Beagle or Bagel?

Bios: Megafauna 2nd edition (NIS)

Bloodborne: Card Game + exansion

Brick Party

Broom Service: card game

Capital City

Captains of the GUlf

Castle Panic (older edition)

Castles of Mad king ludwig: secrets

Consentacle (NIS)

Demon Worker

Dice thrones promos

Disc Duelers

Disney Sorcerers Arena: Epic alliances (NIS)

Dragon Pets

Dungeon Raiders (newer edition)

Epic spell wars battle of the wizards: Skullzfyre and Tentakill boxes

Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space

Escape: Curse of the Temple

Fantasy Realms

Favor of the Pharoah


Forged in Steel

Forgotten Waters

Fort + expansion



Funkoverse Harry Potter

Galaxy defenders + elite alien army

THe Game

Goonies: never say die



Hollow Cell (NIS)

Horse Fever

Ignite Kickstarter edition with centaurs: unpunched

ISS Vanguard +close encounters + personal files (NIS)


Kemomimi Panic + promos

The King is dead


Level 7 [omega protocol] + expansion

Maters Trials: Wrath of Magmaroth (NIS)

Monster Slaughter + kickstarter content

New York Slice

Nuns on the Run

Of Dreams and Shadows + Monster within expansion

Omen: Reign of war + expansions ( tales of the ancients, gifts of the gods, fires in the east, edge of the aegean, and heir to the dunes, condensed into two boxes, some edge whitening)



Pandemic: The cure + experimental Meds

Project L Collectors Box

Pocket Paragons: Origins

Reckoners Kickstarter edition


Sidereal Confluence: 1st ed

Starcadia quest

Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem

Space Gate Odyssey

Spyfall + Spyfall 2


Street masters aftershock kickstarter plus extras (mended edges)

Summoner wars: Master set + expansions

Tabannusi: Builders of Ur

Taj mahal (printed rulebook, one token replaced using the spare)

Tapeworm (NIS, KS edition i believe)

Terror Below

Time of Crisis: roman empire in Turmoil + Age of iron and rust

Time stories: Revolution, hadal project

Tragedy looper


Vindication + leaders + promo pack + promo mini

Warriors of God: wars of england and france

Whistle stop

Wits and Wagers deluxe edition

Wok Star

Word Slam (NIS)


World of warcraft; wrath of the lich king

Xia: legends of a drift system + Embers a forsaken star

Zendo Zombicide Black plague: + wulfsburg + zombie bosses condensed into base box (some edge splitting), and wooden organizer.

Non boardgame trades:

Mechanical Keyboard parts PS5 games

Sony camera lenses and a6300, A7II bodies


Sky Team Loop

Astro knights eternity stuff


massive darkness 2 darkbringer box + druids

7th citadel

Kinfire chronicles

7 wonders expansions

7 Wonders architects

Heat: Pedal to the metal


Zoo Vadis retail edition

Primal: awakening

Coffee Roaster (Saashi games version)

Genshin Tarot

Kingdom Death Monster

Slay the Spire

Other wants:

Last of us 2 remake for ps5

Astro bot for PS5

Final fantasy rebirth

Elden Ring PS5

Vinyl Records Video game/anime themed

Pickleball paddles/equipment - ball machine, theragun, etc.

Sony/Fujifilm camera equipment