I've been watching this show about an episode a day. I've just started Season 3. This show is incredible.

I can't really put it into words. Very few shows have left me speechless. Granted, I never really watched adult cartoons much. A lot of them just never interested me. But I saw a few clips of this show, and I was sold.

I don't think I've ever seen such an honest and open discussion like this. It perfectly follows "show, don't tell". Of course the dialouge is incredibly impactful, but the thing it never says what it wants to say directly. It never has Bojack say "I think I have depression" it has him talk about how he never understands the ability to wake up in the morning and be content with being.

Its amazing because its real. Mr. Peanutbutter, who I initially played off as comic relief, became one of the characters I can relate to a lot. That desire to never cause conflict, that fear of losing people, and trying so hard to be a good person and feeling absolutely dejected when you fail. That hit too close to home for me. So much is put into a dog named Mr. Peanutbutter.

I don't think I can really describe how amazing this show is. Something about hearing someone, even if its just a cartoon character, describe how hard it is to wake up each day is incredibly intense, but also incredibly relieving just to hear it in words. Something about this show keeps pulling me back, in a way that keeps leaving me speechless like few things have.

Its gets easier everyday, the hard part is doing it everyday.