Kelsey Jannings was Bojack's chance to not repeat the mistake he made with Herb, and he screwed it up
Kelsey was fired as the director of Secretariat because Bojack recruited her to do something illegal. After this happened, Bojack was very unhappy with the director who replaced her, but he did nothing to reach out to Kelsey or advocate for her. This is similar to the situation with Herb because Bojack could have saved Herb's career by demanding he not be fired, but he folded, and after Herb was fired Bojack did not reach out for support.
These two situations were of course not identical. Bojack did not have as much power as the star of Secretariat as he had as the star of Horsin' Around. However, Bojack was also much less invested in the outcome of Secretariat. He hated the new director and the new script. He abandoned the set to hide in New Mexico. Ergo, he could have put his job at risk to advocate for Kelsey being re-hired without risking anything he cared about.
Bojack isn't shown even thinking about Kelsey or worrying about what he did to her. Once she's gone he just completely forgets about it. Yes, I know he tried to apologize to her in Fish Out of Water, but that's because she was physically there. After that episode, he didn't reach out to her again. He could have used his fame and success to help her as a struggling director and he didn't.
There are multiple moments in the series where Bojack has a chance to correct his bad past behavior and he fails. He slept with the president of his fan club again. He was forgiven by Sharona but scapegoated her again. This is just another one of those times. It's also another instance of Bojack refusing to take accountability for something that could get him in trouble (breaking and entering) even if someone else was screwed over by his behavior.