Hollyhock is the best and probably the most sensible character in the entire show
I was re-watching and just watched the episode where Hollyhock reconciles with her best friend all the while Bojack was trying to sophisticate the entire situation and romanticizing how people disappoint, and how words are meaningless etc. That scene made so much sense and just made me love her more. Hollyhock explains it so simply how you have to first day sorry so that they can forgive you. This scene is a mirror to what Bojack was struggling with at the time I feel. Like he felt he was so ruined that saying sorry to the people he hurt was meaningless. But he forgot that saying sorry is the only way you'd ever find out if you'd be forgiven. She is such an amazing character. I wonder if having a bunch of fathers (who loved her) raising her made her be this sensible. If you remember more instances where Hollyhock stands out please do point out. Also curious to see if any instances showed her "other" side. I can't think of anything now;)