Bojack has enough resources to afford therapy but he does not go to therapy? why? let's find out?

Today I finished season 3 of Bojack and I really have some questions to ask here since nobody I know watches the show. Why Bojack doesn't go to a therapist and I'm dead serious I know he's a self destructive character but sometimes I think he really wants to change and at least he knows that he needs help. He has enough resources to hire the best therapist in the world and to have a more healthy lifestyle. I mean sometimes I find myself envying him during some episodes. Because he doesn't seem to know despite all the things he went through and all what he's dealing with he's lucky to have enough money to afford therapy. In my case I can't afford it and I struggle all the time to make ends meet. Besides it's weird that non of the characters suggested therapy to Bojack and all they do feeling bad about him and pity him. I also noticed that he enjoyed talking to that news paper lady and he opened up to her.