The Igaguri Vaccum

Since the NEL arc ended I decided to give it a re-read and I realized that Igaguri getting basically killed off is going to leave a vacuum in the story. And before anyone says this, no it's not a talent vaccum💀. Igaguri being kicked out is going to leave a massive vacuum in the comedic relief department.

Whether you thought he was actually funny or not Kaneshiro/Nomura attributed basically every non serious moment to Igaguri. They always had him on the bench ready to have some type of commentary meant to lighten the mood. Now that he's out I wonder what they're going to do? The main second comedic relief was Raichi but most of his was just bouncing off was whatever stupip thing Igaguri was saying or doing.

The only stretch they've gone without Igaguri was second selection so I'm curious about how they'll do this.

Since the NEL arc ended I decided to give it a re-read and I realized that Igaguri getting basically killed off is going to leave a vacuum in the story. And before anyone says this, no it's not a talent vaccum💀. Igaguri being kicked out is going to leave a massive vacuum in the comedic relief department.

Whether you thought he was actually funny or not Kaneshiro/Nomura attributed basically every non serious moment to Igaguri. They always had him on the bench ready to have some type of commentary meant to lighten the mood. Now that he's out I wonder what they're going to do? The main second comedic relief was Raichi but most of his was just bouncing off was whatever stupip thing Igaguri was saying or doing.

The only stretch they've gone without Igaguri was second selection so I'm curious about how they'll do this.