What Club will Everyone Play for?
Hello fellow egoists,
I am once again posting some of my future club predictions just before the final bids are revealed (probably). In short, I'm only going to focus on the clubs with narrative importance in the future, and the characters that will continue to get development in a potential future UCL arc.
Isagi: Re Al
Whether this is a hot take, or the most commonly pushed agenda at the moment, I think Isagi going to Re Al makes the most sense narratively. Not only is Re Al the only club that one can with certainty say is bigger than Bastard, therefore being the only upgrade possible, its also the club with the most narrative pull behind it thanks to both Sae, and Luna existing.
The link with Sae is very clear. Most people seem to believe that Sae has already been convinced that Japanese football has changed, but I disagree. I believe that Sae needs one more final push, which will be through Isagi. Now what exactly this push will be, you can read in my post here. In short, I believe that Sae is destined to fail just like Ego did, but will overcome that failure thanks to Isagi and his MC powers.
Next, we have Luna's role as a character.
Out of all of the World 5 players, Luna received the most amount of attention only behind Loki, and I don't think this was done on accident. I think Luna will take Noa's place as Isagi's "next step" to devour, and surpass his ideal, just like he did with Kaiser.
In short, since Isagi has now finally reached the in between point of his old self, and Noa, he will now use Luna like he did with Kaiser to reach the level of the world class. While doing this, he will also once again motivate Sae to play his old football, and convince him to play for Japan again in the World Cup.
Shidou: Re Al
Now this is a complete guess with no real substance, but I do have some reasons as to why I believe this is the case. Firstly, I dont think that Shidou, Rin, and Loki will all play together in the future. Therefore, one of them would have to be the sacrifice, and I think Shidou is the most likely choice for two main reasons.
Firstly, Shidou is the only major Bluelock character to not have gone through any sort of character development minus his U-20 stuff. Therefore a Re Al arc where he reunites with Sae would be the perfect opportunity for that.
Secondly, I think that PxG is the best place for Rin to stay because it means that not only will our major characters of the manga stay centralized in a certain few clubs, (Bastard, Re Al, PxG), but it would allow for Kaneshiro to take the real life 2021 UCL final between PSG and Bayern, and use it to further develop characters such as Kaiser, Noa, and Loki, while also potentially giving us a Rin vs Isagi and Sae in the future.
Rin: PxG
As previously stated, I believe that PxG is the club that makes the most sense for Rin. I have seen people suggest BM, but I dont think thats likely due to the fact that BM is already covered by Kaiser.
Kaiser: BM
Now why do I think that Kaiser will stay at BM? Firstly, because its the restrictive environment that Kaiser is looking for.
Playing in an environment where everything is centered around Noa is perfect for his growth. Secondly, I dont think that either Re Al or BM will be able to have both Isagi and Kaiser in universe wise. BM was completely willing to let go of Kaiser after the Ubers match because they believed they had a replacement in Isagi.
But if Isagi now suddenly goes to Re Al, then theres no reason for BM to not to simply outbid Re Al for Kaiser. Secondly, its very clear that Ness's and Kaiser's development isn't over just yet.
Bachira: Barcha
This one is obvious, but I decided to state it because if in the situation where Bluelock has its very own club arc centered around Re Al, then an El Classico between Re Al and Barcha will almost definitely be one of the matches within the arc.
Nagi and Reo: Arsenal/Gunners (whatever the in universe name for the club is)
Not only has Reo already been offered a contract by Arsenal, Nagi's inspiration/favourite player Bergkamp was formerly an Arsenal player.